Thursday, April 28, 2016

Bringing Action to Life

1. My favorite part of this image is how you can easily picture Aiken doing this in your mind. I also like how the images flow together.
2. The most difficult part was making the layer masks flow together and not exposing too much of certain pictures.
3. The easiest part was getting the pictures because all I had to do was tell Aiken to do something cool and then use the burst mode on my phone which is really simple to use.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Shooting Water

Station 1

-It was not very easy to get a good shot. It required a lot of timing between the dropper and cameras man.
-I liked this station because the end result looked pretty cool. Not being able to zoom in hindered our end result though.

Station 2
-This station was pretty easy to get a good shot. It did not require much timing, just creativity.
-Shooting without the flash made it easier to use the camera and gave the shot a nice dark lighting.
Station 3
-This station was pretty easy to get a solid shot because the iPhone's burst mode was very easy to use. 
-Despite the ease of use, the iPhone shot with a poorer photo quality than the DSLR.
Station 4
 -This station was also very easy because it also required no timing. And using an iPhone is very easy.
-Our team got creative with the colors and then i decided to try an overhead shot to change the POV.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Artificial Motion

(Picture from the Internet I did not shoot)
The motion would look real but the background doesn't work. If the car was placed on a road the motion blur would make it rather believable.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Jeremy Can Fly Momentarily

Jeremy Santos taking the opportunity of a hot day to jump on the dry high jump mat out by the track. He then proceeded to lay there for a bit basking in the warmth.