Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Exploring Landscapes 2

1)I used the rule of thirds in this image. I emphasized more land than sky.
2) My main principle of design was the use of lines. The buildings and baseball field form two lines that draw the eye to the PE students and hills.
3) This photo was taken around 2:00PM. This time gave some intense shadows in the foreground and the background is lit up, which I think made the picture interesting.
4) In this photo the PE students in the foreground compliment the hills in the background.
 ^Edge Burn Technique^

^Channel Mixer^
^Color Lab^
^Gradient Map^
1) I think the Gradient Map method gave the best result. It had a larger value range.
2)The Color Lab and Desaturation methods had a smaller value range than the other two methods. I preferred the Gradient Map and Channel Mixer methods.

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